Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Training and Development [week 22-23]

The quality of employees and their development through training and development are major factors in determining long-term profitability of a business. If good employees are hired, it is good policy to invest in the development of their skills, so they can increase their productivity.

Training programme for Graduate entrants to become managers by the end of 2 years
Induction programme
Day 1
On the job- Orientations. The first several days on the job are crucial in the success of new employees. This point is illustrated by the fact that the majority of all employees who quit do so in the first ten days. Orientation training will include the following topics:
The company's history and mission.
The key members in the organisation.
The key members in the department, and how the department helps fulfil the mission of the company.
Personnel rules and regulations.
This will be in a written presentation to keep it interesting for candidates, it is important that the newcomer understand his or her new place of employment.

A starter pack will also be including all the basics about the company e.g. what they are all about, objectives, regulations etc for the candidates to take away with them, so the candidates are aware of what exactly the company does. Followed by a welcome presentation to ease candidates into the organisation by giving them some insight on the organisation as a whole. Also give candidates all essential information such as tour of the premises, health and safety – fire exits, fire extinguishers, first-aid kit, toilets and hand-washing facilities, office equipment, tea/coffee facilities, locker/changing facilities, issue of uniform and identity badge. This basic information will make the candidates feel part of the team and comfortable in the environment they will be working in.

On the job- This would include job introduction where candidates will be shown day to day tasks where they will be shadowing other managers and see how they do the job. They will be shown how to deal with day to day problem solving and managing the team. This will allow them to see and learn realistically in the environment they will be working in and get to know people in the company also likely problems and alternative solutions will be presented for discussion. Product information so managers are able to answer customer queries this will be written form for the candidates to keep.

Day4- Off the job assessment centre role plays to help deal with situations that may occur during work, health and safety e.g. how to put someone in recovery position etc. Training how to use computer systems in a training branch including a trial so any weaknesses are identified and improved upon. Job rotation so candidates are able to learn different skills so they can see the importance of all job roles. At the assessment centre there will be a range of activities designed for both group work, small teams and large teams so candidates become comfortable in dealing with all these situations they will be in during work.

Day5- Assessing training- Including e-learning followed by tests including mathematics as managers deal with figures and money. Leadership training on how to manage a team and deal with employees fairly. Make candidates aware of any policies and regulations regarding staff. Going through results of test to identify any further training required on a one to one basis. This will allow candidates to be aware of what they need to improve on in the future. There will also be a reading of the companies practice, policy and guidelines. To finish the training on a positive there will be an opportunity to discuss working conditions, times, holiday entitlement, sick leave etc. Candidates will also be able to subject any improvements or changes to the training programme so it can be improved for future candidates.

The training will be evaluated through end of course exams, observation, mystery shoppers, attitude surveys, customer feedback and other measures such as productivity, turnover, accidents etc.

Some of the chosen methods of training are costly such as day 2-3 on the job as well as time consuming, others are cost effective such as e-learning, however a combination of methods are essential for someone at management level as they will have a lot of different responsibilities and should know how to deal with them without getting thrown straight into them.

This training programme has specific benefits for the business, it will:
-Increased productivity.
-Reduced employee turnover.
-Increased efficiency resulting in financial gains.
-Decreased need for supervision

There should be ongoing training; there is no point in training candidates for one week and leaving it at that because they will need to have a continuous learning programme to remain effective managers. They will need to learn new things and get trained on any changes within the organisation e.g. new technology would mean managers will need to be sent on a new training course. Only if the process is continuous will the company benefit from the above advantages otherwise they will have bad management and therefore a de-motivated team of employees.

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